Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Anniversary

A couple of weeks ago Jack and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. We went to Oceanside for a couple of days (thanks, Mom!) and had a nice time. We saw some friends while we were there; just a nice, quiet anniversary. Last night Jack mentioned something about 30 years. All of a sudden it hit me. THIRTY YEARS!!!!! Yikes. That’s 1.5 times as old as I was when I got married! It hit me….I’m old. Really, really old. If you don’t believe me, here is a picture of us 30 years ago: (Be sure to scroll down to see the next photo....) And here is a picture of us now: (At least we both still have our hair! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pepper Spray

Pepper spray. That's what the police in Lakewood, Colorado used on an 8-year old boy, because he had a stick and his teachers were afraid. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. What the hell!??!! I teach Nonviolent Crisis Intervention for a living, and I can assure you this isn't part of our curriculum. We don't usually go around saying, "if a child has a VERY bad temper, and he starts throwing things, swinging a stick, call the cops. They'll be able to rush him and spray pepper in his eyes!" You need to watch this video and then ask one question....."REALLY?" Even the reporter can hardly keep from laughing. Interesting kid, though. And of COURSE the school district has decided to "drop the matter."

Saturday, March 12, 2011


"Tonight, class, we are going to be making a TURTLE." This is Jennifer speaking. How the heck do you make a turtle in a metal class? Will it be some cute little silver turtle charm we hang from our charm bracelets? I know people who LOVE turtles, but I can't say I'm one of them. TERRIBLE memories involving a pet turtle and a couple of dogs getting loose in the house. Uh huh. You get the picture. Anyway....turns out, a turtle is a cool little think you cut out of metal to mount a stone in. You trace around the stone, the add 4 legs and a head. After you cut it out, file, sand, etc., the legs become the prongs around the stone, and you can drill a hole in the head, or bend it down, to hang your stone! Cool, huh? I'm liking this class. My mind is racing with ideas of all the things I can do with a turtle!

P.S. I got the soldering right. My bezel sample looks mahvalous, dahling.........

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Ok. I’m back. After ignoring this blog for many, MANY months, I am inspired to let you back into my brain.

I am currently taking a class in stone setting. My usually mentally taxing college classes are on hold for the semester (well, I AM taking one…) as I hone my skills working with my hands. My CONTROL-FREAK tendencies are being pushed to the limit. FIRST, my instructor, hereafter known as Jennifer, tells us that she doesn’t give A’s to beginners. What? Is she kidding me? Doesn’t she know about my 4.0 GPA? Oh, THIS isn’t fair. But I tell myself (almost convincingly) that I want the skills she is teaching more than I want educational perfection. THEN, after all my friends say, “Well, maybe you’ll be the first!”, I SUCK. Do you know how hard it is to solder? With 50-year-old eyes? Who can see those little pieces of silver? I carry with me two pair of glasses, a contact lens case and solution (just in case I need to remove the lenses so I can see with my bare eyes), goggles and a high-intensity lamp. All of the young girls in the class just roll their eyes when I tell them I can’t see crap. Just wait. They’ll understand someday.

Now, I must admit that I LOVE the torch. I’m not talking about a little soldering iron. This is a propane torch! What power! I love the color of the flame, I love the sound of the flame, and I love the bright red that the metal turns when it is over 1400 degrees. But I don’t love it when, 3 times in one night, my bezel falls off the base in the pickle. Ha! Technical terms. At least I’ve got the words.

Stayed tuned. More next week. I’M SURE.